Vintage or Antique Wooden Crate / Box.
Quanty of 6 available.
Lots of possibilities as displays, item staging, possibly for storage, etc.
Assorted sizes, 3 boxes measure approximately 19 1/2" long, 12" wide, 8" tall, 2 smaller boxes measure 17 1/2" long, 12" wide, 5 inches tall.
Larger box covered with paper remnants measures 20" long, 13" wide, 11" tall.
Condition runs from great to not so good, they have not been cleaned.
Some boxes have bug holes, stains, rusty nails, cracks, decay, dust, dirt, bird poo, damage, repairs, etc, 1 box has paperboard sides.
$5 each
Located in Frances, WA on State Route 6, exit 77 from I-5 heading towards Raymond.
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